It's a month after, on March 14th that is commonly celebrated in Japan and Korea. On this day, the gentlemen should pays back to the ladies who gave them gifts on Valentine's Day. In other words, you can call it an "answer day".
1. List the people who gave you gift on Valentine's Day.
There are two types of chocolate that women give to men:'giri choco‘ (obligatory chocolate) and "honmei choco' (true love chocolate). Giri choco is usually handed out to casual acquaintances, while honmei choco is higher-quality and given to one she has romantic feelings for. Separate them.
2.Know the basics of the sweets.
Make sure your intentions are clear with no misunderstandings.
* White chocolate:"Let's be friends"
* Chocolate candy:" I like you."
*Chocolate cookies:"I love you"
3.Return giri choco with a giri type of gift.
This is pretty simple. They are overall easy to find inexpensively in almost any store. A basic box of white chocolate will usually do.
4.Decide on what to give back for honmei choco.
Remember that these types of chocolate mean the sender has feelings for you. These will probably require more thought on what to give back. If you have the same feelings back, feel free to give her a nice gift in return! However it's crucial to decline and let them down easy with an explanatory note and a gift. It would be nicer if the gifts you send were white for White day, so keep this color in mind. Use white gift wrap paper or a white gift bag, and tie it with so pretty ribbons. Some ideas for honmei gifts would be:
* Cakes, chocolate, candies, and/or cookies (most popular choices)
*Flowers, roses are generally a romantic flower, or choose her favorite type of flower instead.
*Candles *Teddy bear
*Clothing and accessories
(e.r. dress, necklace, purse)
* A card written specially for her
5. Go on a date with your significant other.

This special day is the perfect opportunity to go out. Eat at a nice restaurant, go to the movies, and if you can, visit Japan or Korea on this day.