
If you also want to plant successfully, just follow me, trust I can help you.

At the beginning of this month, one of my friend sent me a big box, opened it, it is a flowers' grow machine with six small pots and a table lamp. He said it was his new invention, he would like me to try it first.

Gardening machine was found in the European family originally , the housewife will use spices when cooking , so it will be very convenient if plant mint, thyme, basil and other fresh herbs in the kitchen. Especially in the Nordic counteries, the lack of sunshine in winter, and a long night , if there is a gardening machine, then it can meet the request of plant about light, water and nutrients.

1st week: Welcome to new home
According to the guide, firstly, add 6 liters of water with nutrient solution to the flowers grow machine. Few days later, the leaves are still moist , so I relieves.

2nd week: fight with pests
Good ecological environment will lead to small insects. I asked friends for help, and they gave me a lot of suggestions: spray dichlorvos, pour boiling water, aviculture and so on....Finally, a friend wold me that tobacco soaked water to spray the leaces can solve this problem. Indeed, the small insects disappeared quickly.

2.5th week: more and more beautiful

Little guys grew up in my office day by day, leaf shiny reddish, more and more beautiful, did not influenced by gloomy weather. Pleased, according to the pre-set model, Yin and Yang lights work 18 hours a day, close and open automatically.
------" Auto Light"

  3rd week: i am so excited

After roots can be saw, leaves growth speed will becomes faster. When i in office, i am too excited to help myself to observer the flowers. I planted Begonia in the lazy flowers grow machine". When i wait for the flowers bloom, I seem that I can  smell the fragrance of blooming and nectar petals.

If you are also want to plant flowers indoors to decor your house, just trust me and follow me, It will help you but also really simple to plant it.

