26th, Feb 2016
There are a lot of different grow lights for sale out there and it can be confusing to figure out which type is best for your indoor garden, The following run-down should bring some clarity.

Incandescent Lamps are inexpensive and can be bought at a hardware store or nursery. While they work OK for growing houseplants, they are not ideal for an indoor garden.
Fluorescent Lights work best for growing herbs and other plants that don't require a lot of light. They are not good for plants that are budding or flowering because they don't put off enough light. Inexperience, they can be purchased at the local hardware or garden supply store.
The new Company Fluorescent Systems, however, are quite bright and efficient and in some cases might even be better than the fancier high intensity discharge (HID) lights. Compact fluorescent are smaller and more efficient than older forms of fluorescent lighting so they can be used for all plants. They also produce less heart than incandescent and HID lights and consequently can be places much closer to the plant.
High Intensity Discharge (HID) Bulbs are the brightest and most efficient lights available, but they can be used for all plants. They also produce less heat than incandescent and HID lights and consequently can be placed much closer to the plants.
There is more to a grow light than just the bulb. You can purchase the reflector, cord, ballast, bulb and other parts separately, or buy a whole system that just needs ti be plugged in.
What size grow light do you need? This will vary depending on the mounting height of the reflector ( how far above your plants the light is) and the size of your indoor garden. In general, the following recommendations apply:
size of light(Wattage) Area Coverage Mounting height
Recommendations above plants
400 Watt no outside light 5'*5' area 1 to 4 Feet
some sunlight 8'*8' area
600 Watt no outside light 7'*7' area 1.5 to 5 Feet
some sunlight 10'*10' area
1000 Watt no outside light 8'*8' area 2 to 6 Feet
some sunlight 12'*12' area
Here is a thing, there are also many hydroponics garden system, if you are a flowers' lover and not good at planting, maybe you can try this.
Wish you like.